Wednesday, 21 February 2024

 Oh, but don't, no, don't sink the boat

That you built, you built to keep afloat

No, don't, no, don't sink the boat

That you built, that you built to keep afloat

Singled out for who you are, it takes all types to judge a man

Feel, that's all you can

Filthy suits with bigot ears hide behind their own worst fears

Live, that's all you can

It's all you can

It's all you can do, hey

No matter where I put my head, I'll wake up feeling sound again

Breathe, that's all you can

Tomorrow smells of less decay, the flowers greet this blooming fray

Be thankful, that's all you can

Flogging Molly - Float

Sunday, 11 February 2024

X/2016 The travelling woman

 I am a travelling woman

Looking in the eyes of saints

And seeing my reflection

Out and inside

Everyone and everything

I am a travelling woman

Looking in and out

For guidance, for truth

For the fire, for the water

Always leaving, always arriving

Every meeting has a separation

Every separation, a reunion

I am a travelling woman

Who sings out of tune

But from the heart

My guitar just learnt to speak

Or maybe I learnt to hear


 I am just having a bit of a moment here

It's already dark, the day is over

The Moon has apparently turned blue

I feel strong and silent

I have now understood this -

The only direction to go to is not further away

it is closer, deeper inside

To become more intimate with the truth of you

with the part you that is eternal

Will I discover wholeness, completeness, 

from inside - when my heart has been purified, 

warm, alive, light, strong, my heart

Take your ground, maintain your stance

Dig your feet into the soil

Know and remember, what is important

I exist truly for myself first

What is your Truth?

Everything is about perception

 Please let me fall in love again

please let me not let another day

pass by in discreet slicence

please open my eyes again to see 

the magical play of life


 This day covered

in haze & grease

Disgust in the gut

Rage in the  heart

Same old songs

Same old words

Wasted days

All just waste

Moving on seems so unreal

I don't want to turn to

you anymore

The sight of you

wakes up the dogs


Sama maa, eri maailma

minun silmäni tummuneet vuosikymmenen pauhussa

Laskenut irti viattomasta uskosta

elämän palon kadottanut

mukulakivikaduille, yökerhojen lattioille

tuopin pohjalle

Vaeltanut kehää sydämin särkynein

Nyt uusi turtuneisuus

jolta toivoen pakoa kaipaa mennyttä vapautta

jonka päältä näennäisyyden huntu pudonnut

haikailee harhojen perään

Uusia illuusion itkuja kurkusta kaivelee

mykkyyden takaa

Nyt nouse ja taistele taasen puolesta sen

mitä oikeasti olet

Palasit paikkaan, vanha palanut, uusi ei vielä syntynyt

Kuka todella haluat olla?

Vai etsitkö vain sitä, mikä jo on

Et ole niin erilainen, kuin luulet

Annettava on anteeksi erheet, rikotut rajat ja lupaukset

muutoin muuri kohoaa vain korkeammaksi