Sunday, 19 February 2012


---sun täytyy muuttuu, sun elämältäs suunta puuttuu, sä aina tartut tikkuun lyhimpään, se ei johda mihinkään

tervetuloa maailmaan, täällä pärjätä saa omillaan

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Give me a clue

Mulla ja Tuutikilla on nyt diili, tästä jäbästä tullaan vielä kuulemaan!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Little lion man

Let's go for a drive
See the town tonight
There's nothing to do but I'll unwind when I'm with you

This town's so strange

They built it to change

And while we're sleeping all the streets, they rearrange

And my old friends, we were so different then

And now the music divides
Us into tribes
You grew your hair so I grew mine
They said the past won't rest
Until we jump the fence and leave it behind

And my old friends, I can remember when
You cut your hair

We never saw you again

All my old friends, they don't know me now

♪ Arcade Fire - Suburban War